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Tue, 1 Dec 1998 07:54:16 -0600
Don & Janice Boyle <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
It's Christmas and here may be the perfect way to give the perfect gift to
a needy little ferret.  A wonderful idea has just come to me and I hope you
all think it is too and act upon it today!  Even though there are hundreds
of us all about that cannot take in even one more ferret right now and give
it a good home, how about us all going to or calling our nearest ferret
shelter and asking them if we can please be the foster parents for a fuzzy
for their life there at the shelter?  Most of us are aware of how all of
the shelter operators have so many little ones to care for and how the
cumulative expenses for all can be quite a bit for them to handle.  If
several people would foster even one little fuzzy by providing the cost of
food, vaccinations, vet expenses including surgery if we can, it would be
like we are their loving caregivers too!  They could give us a picture of
"our" little fuzzy and we can post it where we are sure to remember to send
something to meet their needs.  The shelter folks can give us updates if
the little ones find a good loving home, or have specific needs from time
to time.  (Many ferrets will not be adopted out from some of our shelters
because the owners/operators are only letting them go to known homes.  That
is because most of them come from really bad places and the shelter folks
don't want to risk that these little ones ever have a bad experience again.
So please don't be offended if an operator cannot let you adopt a ferret if
you should want to while there.  After all it is the best interest of the
ferrets we are all wanting anyway, right?)
You might even be able to pick your own little fuzzy to sponsor and
caregive too!  Call the shelter first and tell them what you would like to
do, then set up a time to come look for your special little one.  Tell them
that you cannot adopt one, but you would like to give a donation to lend a
helping hand and have a share in the little one's life, now and as long as
needed.  If you are not ready for a long time committment, you may select
one that you would like to give something special to like the cost of food,
vaccinations for one year for example.  Ask for a picture of the little
ferret or better yet,bring your camera along and ask if you can take a
picture of him/her.  Make sure everyone understands that you have no
ownership claims other than just love and help that is freely given.  Have
a ball and give a ferret other than your own a wonderful gift at this
giving time of the year!  I am getting on the ball and picking one to
foster as soon as I close here!!
PS If you are not finding a shelter to find a fuzzy to sponsor, call me and
I will get acquainted with the bestest I know of in the whole wide world!!
Jan and the 11 foot warmers at Gracie's Place
[Posted in FML issue 2510]