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Fri, 27 Nov 1998 13:59:38 -0500
Ingrid Rhinehart <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
I am usually just a lurker, but I just had to post this funny story that
happened today.  My furr-kids have been sick, and have been babied even
more than usual lately.  This includes leaving them out most of the time.
I had sorted my laundry into piles on the floor and the kids were having a
ball playing in them and tunneling through them.  I was doing some other
things and I assumed that they had curled up in their corner together and
gone to sleep.  I gathered up the laundry, put it in a basket and took it
downstairs.  I was putting the laundry in the washer when all of a sudden
a little head poked out of the basket, incredibly annoyed that I had
interrupted her nap.  Geez mom!  She jumped out and proceeded to
investigate the open washer.  My bed!  She's washing my bed!  Oh no.  Man
was she upset to see her favorite blanket in the washer!  She grabbed ahold
of it and started pulling it out, and backing up across the washers.  It
was the cutest thing you could ever see.  My little, barely 2 lb ferret,
pulling as hard as she could across the slippery tops of the washers, and
I was still startled that I had almost washed my baby!  Not only was I so
rude as to wake her up, but then she had to battle that nasty machine for
her sleepy thing!  I couldn't help but stand back and watch and laugh
hysterically!  She entertained the audience in the laundry room, that's for
sure!  I finally had to take her back upstairs, where she is now pouting,
even though I gave her a treat for her antics.  Silly girl!
Aria (why are you putting my sleepy thing in that big wet machine?)
and Nutmeg (huh? (yawn) did i miss something?)
[Posted in FML issue 2506]