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Thu, 19 Nov 1998 01:46:40 -0500
text/plain (51 lines)
I don't often post to the FML, mostly I just lurk and read, ya know?  Well
today (unfortunately) I have an issue worthy of posting to the FML.  Its
with sadness and hope that I write this... You see, on Tuesday, my loveable
little 8 month old baby Zorro started breathing real hard, and sounding as
if his little heart was beating pretty hard and irregular.We started to
wonder, and being good parents, we immediatly called the vet, and scheduled
an emergency appointment with him for the next day, and talked to the vet
to make sure we shouldn't bring him in that day.  The vet said it was ok,
and overnight wasn't gonna make a difference, so we brought him in today.
The prognosis couldn't have been more horrible.  He has a (mytopic?) tumor
on his heart and his lungs are pretty full of water.  My husband took him,
cause I couldn't leave work, and he had the vet call and explain it to me.
It was horrible, he says we are on borrowed time, and we can put him down
now, or try to medicate and he would die within a month cause of the tumor.
The most we could do was try to clear his lungs and make him more
comfortable.  I cried, and decided I wouldn't give up on my baby!  I love
him too much to give up!  So the doctor prescribed Lasix to get the fluid
out of his lungs, but we were (are) still faced with the cancer.  I've had
some reccomendations from some people who have seen cancer disappear in
ferrets.  We are using something called Ip6 to help with that, and I've
been told about some other things which we are gonna try, also some Timmy's
Tonic is arriving tomorrow by fedex (Thank you gary!).  So far, it seems to
be helping.  He is already breathing better, and he is drinking lots of
pedialite and fluids, so keep your fingers crossed.  I guess what i'm
asking for is perhaps some advice on what we can do from people who have
been there!  My little baby's life is depending on it!
We have 3 other healthy ferrets, but Zorro is my little baby, and is only 8
months... barely had a chance to live!  He is also my kissy baby, and he
loves people more than all the others combined!  He has shown himself to be
the most playful and also the smartest out of the lot!  I've lost 3 other
ferrets in the past, two to accidents, and one due to a stomach ulcer
(prolly brought on by the occasional drink of beer from friends of his
former owner without the owners knowledge).  I don't think I can stand to
loose another one, espically to something so unfair and so soon after his
life has begun.  Oh, we also rescued Zorro... he was at a pet store in a
small glass cage, curled up in his food bowl cause he had no bedding, and
had also been "sold" earlier that day to a home with older ferrets that
beat him up.  He was nervous coming home, and nervous of people, but has
turned out ,with lots of TLC, to be a real sweetheart!!!  We are pulling
for him, so any help would be greatly welcome!  Thanks all!
Song & Zorro (mommy, I feeling better, really I am)
& the other 3
Yang (let me out of my cage! I wanna play with Zorro)
Dizzi (huh? whats going on?)
Thor (How can we help, mommy?)
[Posted in FML issue 2498]