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Thu, 12 Nov 1998 01:32:16 -0500
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There seems to be a little confusion about how to have a shelter added to
the update list, probably because I have not explained it on the FML in
some time.  Any shelter whose operator is on the FML, or any shelter which
has someone on the FML willing to represent it, is welcome to join the
list.  I have no way of finding them, so they must contact me.  This
usually happens after BIG sends out the latest update and new shelters on
the FML see that it is something they might like to join.  When they do, I
send them a form to fill out which provides me with basic shelter and vet
information for the shell of their entry.  A month or so before I post each
update, I send every shelter which has given me their information a list of
questions to answer as they wish about how their shelter has been doing
since the last update.  I contact each shelter at least twice before posting
the update.  The messages I send have subject lines which clearly state
what the content is, so I'm not sure why people miss them, but they do.  If
I don't hear from them, I leave their entry as it was the time before.
Many shelters choose to join simply so that you all will know they are
there and can learn what they are doing.  However, Ela Heyn, Georgia Wood
and I also use the list to find shelters to give S.O.S. donations to.  My
primary purpose in creating the list has always been to encourage you to
directly support the shelters which are struggling and sacrificing to care
for so many unwanted ferrets.
I have been very slow to get the present list out.  My apologies.  I try
to do it quarterly, but life got in the way this time.  It is ready and
will be on its way to you in a day or two.  Perhaps some of you would like
to choose a few shelters to surprise with a holiday gift this year?
Judith White
[Posted in FML issue 2489]