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Wed, 4 Nov 1998 00:28:41 -0500
"Tim C. Watson" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
Hello FML,
Our Dad finally got off his lazy butt and setup our new cage which he got
at the TriState Ferret Connection's 2nd Annual show (which was Labor Day
Weekend).  We finally get to bunk together.  Our new cage has a main level,
3 other levels with 3 ramps.  Dad moved our two hammocks from our old cages
and added another so we wouldn't fall from the top level.  Makai got his
hammock over the 2nd level, mine's over the 3rd level and the other hammock
is kind of hanging in space between the 3rd and 4th level.  Dad put our two
food dishes and two water bottles on the lowest level on the opposite side
from our "potty box".  He put Aspen shavings beneath the grate and a nylon
mesh thing to let food and water go through so we don't get our feets
dirty.  Dad put old towels on the 3 small levels so we'll be warm, but that
shouldn't be too tough as we ferts can keep each other warm when it gets
cold around here, and it looks like that might start this week.  That's
about it, for now.
Makai & Max (M&M - The Millenium Ferret Brothers)
[Posted in FML issue 2482]