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Print Reply
Fri, 30 Oct 1998 14:14:36 EST
"Donna L. Carlsen" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Please...to all of you who are writing those wonderful ad "replacements" to
Radio Shack...do NOT send anything to them until you have had it
copywrighted!!!  They will use your ads and you have no recourse!  You can
mail them to yourself, certified mail, or you can register them with the
Writers Guild, for about $20, and that will safeguard your idea for five
years.  The address is: Writers Guild of America, Inc.  8955 Beverly Blvd,
W. Hollywood, CA 90048.  (310) 550-1000.
This comes from a former screen- and teleplay-writers, with many scripts
THEY ARE GREAT IDEAS, PROTECT THEM!!!!  The business is ruthless, for sure.
Try SELLING them your ideas, not GIVE them away.
Donna L. Carlsen
Angel Ferret Shelter, Inc.
[Moderator's note: The fact that it appeared on the FML leaves little doubt
as to the date of its origination.  Since writings are de-facto copyrighted
by the author, registration is not technically necessary, though registering
some things with the copyright office (or the equivalent) may make it easier
to assert your rights should it ever be necessary.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2478]