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Wed, 28 Oct 1998 21:36:11 -0600
Tracy Navratil <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Since I live in an apartment, I am always finding new ways to keep my
fuzzies entertained.  Well, I have 3 long 8 foot PVC pipes placed in
different rooms for my fuzzies to run through.  Last night I took one of
the pipes and propped it up on my couch.  Of course, all the ferts had to
check out what was going on.  No one wanted to be the first one down the
tube....they were scoping the situation out....they didn't know where it
would end up.  My fearless leader, Pepe' decided to take the first dive.
She stuck her front end in and the rest of the body just followed....she
slid down that tube so fast that when she popped out the other end....she
shook her head to try and figure out what in the world just happened.
Next, followed the other ferts, one by one they were sliding down the tubes
and attacking the ones coming out at the bottom.  I would throw jingle
balls down from the top and they would dive in after them....they couldn't
get over how fast they flew down that tube and plopped out of the bottom
head over heels.
They had so much fun and played so hard that they all "pancaked" out for a
few minutes before going off for some more.  So much war dancing...it made
my heart smile!  :-)
Tango, Chico, Roo and Pepe'
[Posted in FML issue 2476]