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Mon, 26 Oct 1998 00:12:27 EST
Kaycie Silver <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
Hi ferret lovers,
It's me again with another lovely post again.  This time nothing is wrong
with my fuzzies but it's something even worse.....
I bought Smokie for my boyfriend about a month ago.  I think that I posted
before about this but I can't remember so I will make it as short as
possible.  Anyway, my boyfriend lives about an hour to an hour and a half
away and I only see him on weekends (with my fuzzies too, they are known as
the traveling ferrets!) When Smokie was introduced to Maggie and Spanky
they loved each other.  I decided to take Smokie home for the week because
I wanted to introduce him to his grandma (my mom of course).  That was the
worst thing to do.  When I brought him back to my boyfriend I had to leave
him there alone without Maggie and Spanky and it was the hardest thing to
do.  I did it anyway and figured that my boyfriend would feel bad and let
me keep him.  Obviously he didn't and for a couple of weeks we were
This Friday when me and the guys went to visit him and Smokie I noticed
that Smokie's cage was COMPLETELY a wreck!  When I say a wreck I mean it,
there was litter all over the cage which was on top of the food that was on
the floor of the cage I can't even talk about it I get sick!  SO at this
point I had had it.  I told him that it was in the ferrets best interest to
be with me because for one I take better care of him and the bottom line is
that Smokie was lonely.  Anyone could just tell by the cage when you see
that the carpet had holes in it where he was digging to try to get out.
Please I am sick.  Well, Smokie is back with me and will be with me no
matter what.
So now my boyfriend is basically saying that I chose the ferret over him
and that now when I come back to his house on the weekends I can't bring
them with me because I took Smokie away from him.  We have other problems
besides the ferrets.  Am I wrong for doing this?  I love my ferrets, they
are my children and if I see a ferret that is in harms way, I will do
whatever is in my power to make sure that they are safe.  Well, I decided
that if my ferrets can't come over and play than I can't come over and
play.  He knows how I feel about them and if he was a normal human being
with a heart he wouldn't have made me make this decision.
Please tell me if I am wrong and if I might have overdone it.  I don't think
so but maybe someone besides the soon to be ex-boyfriend thinks so too.
Thanks for your time.
Kaycie and her trio of traveling ferrets
----Spanky----"Hip hip hooray Smokie's home, now I can play!"
-----Maggie----"I still can't get why you think that wrestling is fun."
-----Smokie----"Thank you mommy from saving me from that wicked man who
                didn't love me as much as you do, I'M HOME!!!!"
[Posted in FML issue 2473]