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Mon, 26 Oct 1998 00:25:47 -0600
Dani Lucking <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
I now have six ferrets.  Three are three years old, Eddie, Bailey, and
Little Bit.  One is a five year old rescue that we have had since the
beginning of August, Weezer.  Two are still basically babies, though they
outweigh all the others now.  One is supposed to be 17 weeks, but the pet
store personnel actually thought he was older, Stinky.  The last is Oscar,
who is 14 weeks, and adorable!  I assume either Stinky or Oscar (perhaps
both, Oscar looks up to Stinky and wants to be just like him) is going to
the bathroom on the bed.  Weezer could be doing it, but my husband says it
appears to him that the culprit is a male.  I can't tell, it's just a mess.
We've cleaned the sheets, but it doesn't stop the stinker.  They are going
off the edge of the bed at the head.  They had been doing it for a few days
before we noticed, when they didn't go quite so off the bed.  Two questions:
1. How do I stop it without subjecting my matress to further stains?  and
2. How do I get it out of the matress?
I tried woolite and warm water.  I guess we shall have to see how that
works, but it makes the bed so wet that I have to sleep on the uncomfortable
guest bed while it dries.  Our new boys are good boys, they just need to be
taught a few things.  They are boundless bundles of energy (especially
Stinky).  I just don't know how to cope with this problem.  They are
actually pretty good about using the litter box.  I'd say about 85%.  Not
bad, considering the examples they were given in my first three babies.
Please direct any answers to me directly, as I may not have time to read
the digest every day for several days.  Just FYI, Stinky got his name due
to his adorable white stripe in the middle of his forehead.  Just like a
skunk.  We didn't know he'd live up to his name!  I don't just mean the
bed, but that's another post.  I'm sure Stinky will give me lots to write
about in the future.  He's more trouble in one ferret than all the others
we have ever owned combined.  He sure is a hand full.  Thanks in advance.
[Posted in FML issue 2473]