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Fri, 23 Oct 1998 18:46:38 -0400
Eileen Ledbetter <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
Well, I had a little scare yesterday....but all is well today.  I can't
tell you the feeling of relief.  Yesterday, I lugged all of my menagerie
(three cats, two ferrets) to the vets for their annual check-up and shots.
Abby (my little girl ferret) was the first to be examined and the vet
thought he felt some "fullness" in her lymph glands.  He ran a CBC on her
and I worried all night waiting for the results - every post I'd ever read
on this list was running through my mind!  But he called today and all is
well.  Her count is low and what he felt was probably just fat - the little
pig!  All the others are fine too.  I am a happy mom again.
By the way, he is a really good ferret vet.  His name is Robert Brust and
he practices at Salem Animal Hospital, 193 South Broadway, Salem, New
Hampshire.  When Larz had that funny chopped off tail tip problem last
year, Dr. Brust looked at it for no charge.  Oh yes, Larz's tail tip has
almost all grown back in nice and luxurious - but it took almost a year.
One last thing I hope you wonderful FML people can help me with.  My
daughter Diana has a 10th grade biology project to do and has chosen to do
it on the reproductive cycle of the female ferret and the aplastic anemia
problem.  Dr. Brust gave her some good material, but I was wondering if
anyone else (such as you breeders) could direct her to some books or web
sites.  Thanking you in advance.
Eileen (mother of Abby and Larz)
[Posted in FML issue 2471]