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Thu, 22 Oct 1998 22:36:31 -0500
Elisa Stamm <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
Thanks to everyone who responded regarding our diabetic ferret.  We put Mr.
Y to sleep at 7:20 this evening after his blood glucose shot up over 500
again.  It actually got down to 174 this afternoon but we could not
maintain the lower levels.  We decided that if we continued to treat him
that it would be for us, not him.  We went to the vet and brought his
favorite ferret treats for him.  He actually ate 3, the only food other
than banana that he's eaten volunterily in 2 days.  Then we said goodbye
and before the needle was out, he was gone.  Now we have to make sure that
our 3 girls are ok.
For those who responded, he was never on prednisone.  He was on Enacard and
lasix for the cardiomyopathy but never took any steroids.  We are having
an autopsy done to see if perhaps some form of stomach cancer caused the
diabetes.  Maybe some other ferret won't have to suffer if we can figure
out why ours got diabetes.
Lisa and the girls.
[Posted in FML issue 2470]