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Wed, 21 Oct 1998 06:37:24 -0700
"Bostrom, Michael A" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
I'm writing with a question on behalf of my mom who, living in the sticks
of Montana, does not have internet access.  (Would you believe there are
people out there who think Montana still doesn't have paved roads?) She
recently acquired a 7 year old female ferret named Suzy.  The ferret was
given away by the typical I-don't-have-time-for-it-anymore person.  When my
mom got the ferret, she was skinny with coarse, non-fluffy hair.  She was
being fed with a mixture of Iams catfood and cheap catfood.  My mom
immediately started switching her over to Totally Ferret.  The problem is
Suzy has begun to hurk.  About a week ago, Suzy started to vomit.  It was
that nasty-looking yellow mucousy stuff.  She also became lethargic.  So
off to the vet she went.  The vet couldn't find anything wrong.  He did
say her heart and lungs were in good shape and sent her home with some
antibiotics.  My mom also started giving her some laxatone in case of an
obstruction.  Now, almost a week later, Suzy is still hurking only it's
actual food not that yellow stuff.  My mom describes it as almost like a
baby spitting up.  That's the only symptom she's showing.  Her activity
level is less than my mom's other ferrets, but she's also 7 years old.  She
looks fine, poops fine, eats & drinks fine, and generally acts like a
healthy ferret except she hurks.  I was hoping some of you might have some
input as to what's wrong with the fert.  Could it just be the stress of
coming to a new place with new smells and new food?  Or could it be
something more serious?  My mom and her new fert both thank you in advance
for any advice you can provide.
May your weezils be forever non-hurking,
Limejello & The Weezils of Doom
[Posted in FML issue 2469]