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Mon, 19 Oct 1998 03:48:45 PDT
Michelle Phillips <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Instead of saying that we treat ferrets better than our children, why not
say we treat them as good as our children?  Because, after all, dont they
deserve it?  Some say, "but they're only animals!" Well, aren't are
children only animals, just of a different species?  And of course ferrets
don't come from our bodies the way our children do.  But adopted children
aren't treated any less than natural children.  It all comes down to this,
when you take on the responsibility of caring for anything, whether it be a
house plant, an animal, or your own child, you should take care of it to
the best of your abilities, and always strive to learn how to do more for
that living thing, to do it better.
Why is it, so often in this society we are taught that it is wrong to dote
on, pamper and love our pets as we would our own children?  Where do we get
off thinking that pets are less than us?  Ferrets deserve more than just
life.  They deserve a good life, a full happy one, with lots of love and
attention.  Pets should have a place, not beneath us, but beside us, as
companions.  There is nothing wrong with treating everything in your care,
be it human, child or ferret, with respect, love, and compassion.  One
should not be made to feel guilty if they pamper their pet, unless they are
starving, beating, neglecting or abusing another creature in their care.  I
mean, obviously, if your buying your ferret new hammocks and your children
don't have shoes that fit them, or your baby is going without milk, then
you definetly have a priority problem.  In my house, when hard times hit,
they hit all around.  When money has been tight, my children ate generic
cereal, and I had to mix cat food in with the ferret food to make it
stretch.  I could have just fed my ferrets cheap cat food, and bought my
kids the name brand stuff they so prefer.  But in my mind, that wouldn't be
right.  I try to treat everyone I have the joy of caring for, in the way I
would want to be treated.  Even ferrets.
In my opinion, if you don't have the room in your heart to love and care
for something in the way it should be loved and cared for, then you
shouldn't have it in the first place.  That goes for kids and for ferrets.
True respect and love for life knows no bounds.
Love and treat your children (whether they talk, dook, bark or meow) the
way YOU would want to be treated.
[Posted in FML issue 2467]