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Mon, 19 Oct 1998 02:58:46 EDT
"Donna L. Carlsen" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (61 lines)
Goodness, since getting involved in this FML thing, it has been
increasingly harder to keep up!  Well, here goes...
As a "former" employee..this is the deal: You work there for minimum wage,
have to learn about everything in the store (including animals), and take
A test in 90 days, and get a (whopping) 25 cent raise.  Yes, the local
Petco's here are horrible...most of them don't know anything about ferrets,
and the ferrets suffer.  The problem?  They don't really keep to the 90-day
test policy, and those who do pass, do so because they just want the BIG
raise...I quit after 6 mos.
Cosmo (silvermitt) - upper and lower jaw deformed, long tooth sticking up
over upper lip, Marshall Ferret.
Jewels, less than one pound marked white female, diagnosed with Insulinoma,
Marshall Ferret.
I wouldn't trade any of these guys for any other ferret.  They have been
very good and wonderful ferrets.
I took Googie outside today and told him it was a nice day to take down a
deer.  When I asked him if he wanted to do that, he said, "does it taste
like chocolate?".  I said no, Googie.  He said, "is it soft and squishy
and makes a sqeeeky noise?"  I said no, Googie.  He said, "is it up on your
desk, and I can knock it down everyday?"  I said no, Googie.  He said,
"does it involve raisins?"  I said no, Googie.  He said, "then why the heck
would I want to do it?"  I said I don't know, Googie.
We are compiling a book of ferret names with special meanings, and it
will be available at Christmas time.  It will probably just be computer
generated, but it will be huge and a lot of fun.  The names are taken from
a baby names book, and The Writer's Digest Character Naming Sourcebook.  If
anyone has a problem with the origin or meaning of a word, please don't
take it out on me.  The names are given with their ORIGINs, not what they
actually mean in a certain language.  If anyone is interested, they can
contact the shelter or the club below.
That would be mine.  We went recently with Juicy (insulinoma), Mystie
(insulinoma, adrenal), and Oliver (neurologically challenged), and had
blood tests, glucose testing, a very lengthy visit, and it was FREE...just
because I gave my vet, Dr. Mary Jane Davis, a picture of a ferret to use in
their new phone book listing ad.
This is not the first nice thing she has done for the ferrets.  I am very
proud to say that Rocky (rest in peace) is going to be famous after all!
Angel Ferret Shelter, Inc.
1448 Daybreak Rd.
Las Vegas, NV 89108
700 Ordrich Place
Las Vegas, NV 89108
Club Ferret Las Vegas
(702) 661-9533
[Posted in FML issue 2467]