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Fri, 16 Oct 1998 10:12:49 -0400
text/plain (31 lines)
Hi all: Let me tell you what I just went through.  You may remember me
posting about a a very sick ferret with a blockage the last few days.  My
baby almost needed surgery.  At the vets, after a serious palpation of her
stomach feeling for the blockage) we were arranging for surgery, she
finally pooped for the first time in at least 4 days, right there in her
carry-cage, in the vets office while we were talking.  The vet and I
searched the poop to see if the blockage was there and guess what.  There
was a hard piece of rubber the size of an aspirin in her poop.  When we
wiped it clean I realized what it was.  When you open a dryer door there
are usually 2 little rubber stoppers to keep the door from slamming too
hard.  My ferret must have worked one loose and ate it.
I don't keep my ferrets in the laundry room but my washer and dryer are
in the hall utility closet.  They can't get behind there because I have
blocked it off .When ever I am folding clothes from the dryer, my ferrets
come arunnung to jump in the dryer with the warm clothes and crawl threw
them and play.  They are so funny and have so much fun.It always amuses me
through a most boring chore.  I am always very careful not to shut them in.
I just never thought about them eating the stoppers.  Now my dryer door
shuts with a loud bang because I have removed the other stopper and threw
it away.  Rather a little noise than a ferret suffering from a blockage
I thought everything was ferret proof.  I guess a ferret owner can never be
too careful.
Best care for fuzzies,
Sharon,(The human caretaker)
Angel, (Thank God I can finally poop)
Sukie, (Im so glad Angel's not sick any more)
[Posted in FML issue 2464]