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Fri, 16 Oct 1998 17:32:50 EDT
Elliott Shake <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
And now I present::::: MY SECOND POST!!! (da-da-da-ching!!)
No. 1::: What is ECE?  i'm new to ferrets (and still waiting to get mine,
for those who are wondering), and a lot of these abbreviations and stuff
are things i don't understand.
No. 2::: What's the big deal about MF (which stands for Marshall Farms, i
think) ferrets?  i've played with some at PetCo, and they're the nicest
ferts ever (except for one, who was.....ahhhh....."slightly agressive",
lets say.  he drew blood and he HURT).  Also, everyone says they are prone
to diseases like cancer and ECE (whatever that stands for.) i would rather
not deal with a cancerous ferret, but all the people who MFferts insist
that there is nothing wrong with them.  also, someone said that they
scratch alot.  HELP!
No. 3  What is the best CAT food for ferrets? someone i know says they feed
their fuzzies "Nature's Way" cat food. i hear others endorse Science Diet,
Eukanuba, and Iams. Any thoughts?
No. 4  Are there any good ferret vets in Plano, TX? The only one who knows
anything (that i've found) only has two F-clients and doesn't seem to know
all that much.
No. 5  How many people here live in TX? How many live in the Dallas Metro
area (ya know, arlingto, irving, plano, richardson, dallas)?  ifyou live in
texas, send me mail that says, "TX Resident" in the Subject of the mail.
If you're in the metroplex, have the subject say, "Metro TX Resident"
(please don't put anything in the body of the email.  i don't want to read
every single one out of the hundred i'm going to get.
 Thanks for the space, and "LONG LIVE THE FUZZIES"!!!!
ps, someone said they had a list of fert names. put it on the list,
PSS, how bout "Charm" for a female and "Skipper" for  a male?
[Moderator's note: Oh, there's a list of ferret names all right, but it's
over 5000 lines long.  (That's not 5000 names -- it's one line per ferret
per owner).  You can ask the server for it, and also for a list of ferret
nicknames.  Ask [log in to unmask] (in the email body) to:
SEND FERRET NAMES FERRET                       and/or
SEND FERRET NICKNAME FERRET                               BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2464]