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Fri, 16 Oct 1998 10:16:25 EDT
Jena Adam <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (61 lines)
ok guys -- thank you all who written to me about declawing or not to declaw
------ you were all nice no Flames this time around!  thank god! -- but
some lectures which I understand how you all feel.......
but listen closely!  I hear you all say how bad it is and stuff but when I
had Vinyl he was declawed -- his feet were not butchered that they looked
deformed and he carried on like he normally did after they healed up -- he
was more pleasant declawed then with them!  so no more on that stuff -- I
think it is up to the owner whether or not to go through with it.... just
because a vet will declaw a ferret doesnt mean they dont know what they are
doing with ferrets!  I got a very good vet thatdeals with many ferrets and
she didnt say it was a bad thing or not a good thing -
HOEPFULLY!  enough on that subject!
second off -- Marshall Farms --- dont know what to say about them --- Vinyl
was from there and he died at the age of 2 yrs and 3 months -- nuff said of
them!  wont by from them again!  --- Vinyl was 1 of a kind and my baby!  An
animal I thought of like my son that died too soon!  He was beyond special
and words cant describe him!  he died of some type of caner thing but still
lives on through Angel I swear!
baby kits -- never saw one that calm in my life!  I need one like that!
Angel needs to get hooked on valium to calm him down!
all I want is a sweet ferret who likes to be held and sit on your lap not
run away and refuse to let you hold them!
and last off a word from Star
I'm sorry to inform you all that our lil Siva was put down thursday night
because her wonds were getting infected and her condition worsened the vet
said if she were to pull through she would never be the same and most
likely lie around like an older ferret would so Seven and I made the
decision to put her out of her misery!  the vet let us alone with her as I
held her in my arms she looked up and kissed us each with that sloppy
tongue and wagged her tail a bit ... Seven got Soma out to say his goodbye
as we layed her on the table with Soma... He walked over to his big sister
kissed her on the nose and layed his head overher neck and sighed ....
Seven picked him up and held him as he whimpered not wanting to leave his
sister behind as the vet came in I stroked Siva's head telling her it would
all be over soon and that we loved her and always will and miss her
dearly.... we told her to look after Jena's Vinyl while she waits for Soma
to come live with her.
Soma on the other hand is home with us... though very sad and still sore he
lies on Siva's blanket and snuggles around her lil stuffed aligator....
we do have two other ferrets awaiting arrival as soon as Soma is well
enough!  They are two males about 2 months old.... one is a silver- mitt
and the other is a dark sable .... we have yet to name them and will wait
until they arrive here at their new home in about 1 month or less depending
on how well Soma gets.
thank you all again for everything!
Star, Sevenand Soma (I miss my sissy)
Jena & Angel
[Posted in FML issue 2464]