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Thu, 15 Oct 1998 09:10:21 -0400
Robynn McCarthy <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (50 lines)
I'm the one that recommended the Stridex for tail blackheads, and yes I
would keep the pads away from the ferrets rectum as I'm sure it would be
very uncomfortable.  The liquid in the stridex is made to help clean out
pores and dry the skin, it evaporates very quickly.  The stridex pads were
recommended to me by my vet and I would go so far as to call him a ferret
I've never noticed my ferrets licking their tails, in fact when
investigating the jar of pads on the table, they didn't even stick their
nose in, it's probably very distasteful to them, in fact the smell reminds
me of bitter apple.  If you're worried about it though, after giving the
tail a good scrub, let the medication stay on for a few minutes if you can
and then you could probably rinse the tail with water, and use the old
toothbrush to help scrub away what the stridex pad has loosened up.
The ingredient that would probably cause the harm is salicillic (sp) acid,
which is a mild acid that dissolves dead skin.  If just being in contact
with the acid was dangerous, you wouldn't be able to hold the pad.  Also
I'll stress again to only use the pad once or maybe twice a week, and then
maybe once every few weeks to help keep the skin clean.  Over use of the
pads will definately dry the skin out.
I've held off on the MF ferrets discussions, but I have to add..I love my
little MF girl.  My first ferret that we adopted was not MF, and we went
through a lot of biting, digging and other habits that patiently we've been
able to handle, our new little MF girl we adopted was rescued from the SPCA
and she's the sweetest most loving ferret I've ever known.  She's never
bitten anyone, for ANY reason, she is very healthy, happy and loving, not
to mention beautiful.  She and our other ferret became the best of friends
after only two days.  I wouldn't trade her for anything.
And to Jena..we all responded the way we did because you were "just
thinking of declawing Angel".  If you decided to do it, you might as well
cut off her feet instead.  Presently my vet (and vet to a large number of
ferret owners in my area) is writing an article for our local newsletter
about the dangers of declawing, this was prompted by two ferrets that were
brought in to the shelter our group sponsers, and they had been mutilated
(ie declawed).  We're spreading the word on a local level, just as the FML
is on a global one, hopefully it will save a lot of ferrets unnecessary
pain and suffering.
Gargoyle (are you saying I was a pain in the butt?) and
Morticia (no..she's saying I'm perfect!)
Gargoyle (see my pretty tail?) and
Morticia (yeah..pretty stinky tail)
[Posted in FML issue 2463]