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Wed, 14 Oct 1998 08:01:05 PDT
Anna Curry <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
I saw my vet last night and I asked him "How do I know if my ferret has a
fur ball?" This first thing that he asked me was "Is she throwing up".  If
so this may be a fur ball.  I got a tube of "Laxatone" made by EVSCO (white
box with red on top inch), he said this is one of the best one on the
market, but you can get something similar at Walmart or pet stores.  It is
a cat laxative and lubricant for hair ball removal.  He said that if I
suspect a hair ball (throwing-up) then he would tell me to give it to her
everyday for a week.  He also said that for prevention I can give it to my
babies once or twice a week.  The one I have has flavor to it and he said
they will think it is a treat.  He said to just give a little less to a
ferret then prescribed for a cat.  He said to put it on their mouth and
they will lick it off.  I hope this helps and makes you feel a little
I am a paranoid mother and tend to run to the vet (mostly call) all the
Anna, Belle & Tigger
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[Posted in FML issue 2462]