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Mon, 12 Oct 1998 03:02:05 EDT
"F. Scott Giarrocco" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
>Thrid -- I hate to say it so please dont flame me but it's in my best
>interest that Angel will be getting Declawed very very soon unless i can
>find a way to stop the clawing on the cage and the rug as well!  I
>declawed my Vinyl cause I could not stop him and it solved my problem!
>So this might be the only way!
Yes, it may be in your best interests to have a ferret declawed; but, is it
in the best interests of the ferret to be mutilated needlessly?  Declawing
is not as simple as just taking away the nail -- it is the amputation of
each of the ferret's toes to the first joint.  It is cruel, and unnecessary.
Ferrets will usually dig in one particular spot, so it isn't too difficult
a task to make them loose interest in that spot.  Often times, the simple
trick of duct taping a piece of cardboard or plastic runner over that spot
is all it takes.  Since ferrets can be persistent, it takes patience and
time on the part of the human to interest the ferret in something other
than digging.  Digging can be a sign of boredom on the part of the ferret.
Try tossing him a ping pong ball or some other toy, or simply play with
him.  Ferrets are bright and curious, and as a result can become easily
As a ferret caregiver, you need to be more concerned about the welfare and
solution to the ferret's problem, rather than what is in your best
interests.  If it is the possible damage to the carpet in a rented home,
there are a multitude of other solutions that are far less cruel to the
ferret, and far less expensive.  For less than the cost of declawing, you
can buy an inexpensive braided area rug or carpet remnant that can be laid
down to protect the carpet until such time as you can interest the ferret
in other activities than digging.
Declawing a ferret is a selfish solution to the human's problems, not a
reasonable solution to the problems facing the ferret.  It is interesting
that you kept referring to "what was best for you," and "the solution to
*your* problems." But, not once did you mention considering what was in the
best interest of the ferret, or seeking a solution to his problem.
Providing care for another living creature is a serious responsibility that
demands one constantly seek to do what is best for the other creature --
animal or human, and not what is best for the care provider.  When
accepting the reponsibility of providing care for another living being, the
personal pronouns "I' and "my" need to be replaced with "we" and "our."
Please, reexamine the choices available to you and seek another solution
over needless mutilation of a ferret's feet.
Jopal Ferret Haven
[Posted in FML issue 2460]