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Sat, 10 Oct 1998 10:06:02 +0100
Jane Odell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
Hi all,
I live in the UK so we are not up to date on the Lettermen show, so i did
not see that particular show first hand.  I`ve been reading the `wet the
weasel` posts, the thing that bothers me is, some one must actually own the
ferret and they must have given permission for their pet to be used :o(
This is the part that really sickens me!  How can anyone let their beloved
pet or even allow any animal to be used in such a way.  That person should
be ashamed of themselves.
On a lighter note, i`d like to take the opportunity to tell everyone on
Sunday, four becomes five.  Ferret math has struck once again!  The new boy
is about 10 weeks old and i`m going to name him Emil :o) I`ll keep you
posted on how he does.
One last thing, my friend Karen (Whose beloved Billy crossed over the
bridge recently) is ill in hospital at the moment :o( I`d like to wish her
very speedy recovery and all my love.  All my fert babes wanted to say, get
better soon Karen we miss your mail.
ps. Thanks Ulrike for letting me know.
Jane, Harvey, Katy, Phoebe & Casper (and very soon Emil)
[Posted in FML issue 2458]