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Sat, 10 Oct 1998 02:36:49 -0700
"Megan O'Shaughnessy, D.C." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (74 lines)
>I think Lisa is so angry because she knows how wrong she is.
I agree with this statement...up unto a point.  It DOES sound to me like
the wet ferrets' former owner was/is angry...and given what I've heard over
the FML I would not have this woman (Lisa) as a friend.  I don't understand
why she has so abused those ferrets, and I certainly don't get why their
saviors' efforts met with so much obstruction.  I could make guesses, but
they would, to be gentle about it, be accusatory.
I encourage you all: DO champion the right of your fellow animals, DO
take the chances!  The rescue of these poor drenched ferts is a wonderful
example of what can BE possible, even at the limits of a lot of
personal-relationship trauma and financial stress.  This list is so
supportive it just amazes me.  A small effort on your part, a few kind
words, or a donation of $5 or $10 can make a huge difference to an animal
in need.
<warning -- if you have a delicate stomach, *SKIP* next paragraph!! I am
NOT kidding.>
I feel an odd mix of responsibilities... my own ferrets are HECK not even
home yet...but I feel this need to speak about this, rather strongly.  I
think this all started out when I faced the human cadaver I was expected
to help dissect.  I ended up deciding to treat the opportunity as a truly
priceless gift...while my classmates around me stood frozen by their
prejudices and horror.  I ended up being the only person in my group who
was able to learn how and to proceed remove skin from the face of our
cadaver.  I was also the person who ended up scooping literal
double-handfuls of liquid goblike cheesy cancer from this dead woman's
chest and pitching the cancerous goop into a receptacle.
I am not trying to make a statement about dissection....but about
responsibility.  Each of us, as ferret owners, needs to realize that we are
part of a greater community that DEPENDS on each of us to work with vets,
to educate and/or learn from them, to do necropsies in the sad events our
babies die.  It is vitally important to know why they died and how they
died... only in this way can more be learned to prevent future deaths.  Our
babies are utterly precious... but so also, sadly, are their deaths... and
if you can share the causes with the vets, you can help so many others who
live younger than your kids!
If you think I am being callous... please think again.  I have faced dead
people and dissected them, I have faced sick people and tried to help them,
I have faced dying people and tried to help them as well.  If you think
that is a mechanical process, please think again.  I will spare the list
the details.  If you wish to challenge me on the quality of my reverence
for the gift those dear, dear people gave me, be my guest; my email is
[log in to unmask]
The stronger and sounder (I hope) part of me replies, to the question of
anger at death, that this is to be expected.  Anger is normal, it is
natural, it is part of the grieving process.  We, each of us, attach
ourselves to those causes we think are just and right.  Lots of thoughts
come up, which I will not even try to go into, but at some times, a
financial contribution may come to the fore.  Maybe, at times, we cannot
contribute much monetarily, but even positive thoughts have a profound
effect.  I strongly think that the fervor and dedication of the members of
this List are at the heart of its long life and its healthy useful
interactiveness!  I have learned so much from all of you, I cannot even
begin to repay...
To each of you, my thoughts go out. Many happy and joyous dookings! I
hope I have not offended...and if I have, please reply privately, and
not spatter the list. Any major complaints I will repost myself.
- M.
Megan O'Shaughnessy, L.M.T. D.C.
"Progress in ethics is the only cure for progress in science."
-- Dr. Freeman Dyson, quoting Haldane
[Posted in FML issue 2458]