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Fri, 9 Oct 1998 14:03:49 EDT
Kim Burkard <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (76 lines)
Re: David Letterman
My FML reading has been spotty lately to say the least so I may have missed
it if someone has already suggested this.  Has anyone contacted agencies
like the Humane Society to complain?  I know agencies like the Humane
Society oversee animal treatment in movies, perhaps they should be taking
an interest in this as a related issue.
While from what I understand the ferret suffered no permanent harm, the
"joke" was mean-spirited and definately sent out the wrong message on how
animals can be treated - it's ok to be mean to animals as long as it is all
in "good fun." It's things like this that confirms my belief that Letterman
is an ignoramus who wouldn't know a truly funny joke if it came up and bit
him on the ass.
Re: Peta/Ingrid Newkirk
Now there's the height of "scholarly" knowledge about animals.  Some of the
statements this woman has made are totally incomprehensible.  She's made
statements about when dogs are freed from their slavery and returned to the
wild.  *Whew!* She must live in some fluffy little make-believe world to
totally have missed the fact that our pet dogs aren't wild.  That's common
knowledge.  I could *maybe* allow for some inaccurate statements about
ferrets since they aren't as well know as other animals like dogs -
although you would expect anyone writing for a publication to research
their facts.  But since she hasn't a clue about dogs being domesticated
animals, how could one expect her to have even an inkling of a clue that
ferrets are just as domesticated?  Let alone that any of the other
well-known ferret myths are false?
Short answer: One can't since this woman is more of an ignoramus then
Re: Murdered ferrets in MA
Payback is hell.  And I don't want to be in the person's shoes who killed
those ferrets so cruelly when he gets his payback - which will happen
sooner or later.  He will be one pitible individual.
The Newbie & ECE:
A few weeks ago, we added a new kid to our brood.  A woman my husband works
with asked him if he wanted another ferret.  It seems a woman, who knows
this woman that my husband works with sometimes takes in animals, dropped
off a ferret.  It seems the ferret was her son's and he left the ferret
home when he went off to college.  The mother couldn't stand the ferret and
dropped her off in a pillow case.
After a short bit of consideration, we took the youngster in.  She is
female, perhaps about 6 months old, and is grey with white mitts.  (Oh no,
mitts!  That means she's a teleporting ferret!!) This little girl is a
sweetie who loves to be cuddled - although her rambunctious self is
awakening!  We named her Rosie.
Rosie got along with all the other kids pretty well from the start with the
exception of Pippi.  Pippi had a bone to pick, but those two have since
settled their differences.
There would be peace and happiness in our ferret world, but Rosie brought
with her fleas and ECE.  The fleas were easy to deal with.  The ECE has not
been.  Squirt, Atlas, and 'Jinx all came down with it.  Pippi, with the
exception of being slow for a few days, never showed any symptoms.  For two
and a half weeks we've been battling ECE in Squirt, Atlas, and Jinx.  They
start to get better only to backslide again.  It is terribly frustrating.
While I don't intend on cursing it, Atlas and Jinx seem to be going uphill
again.  Squirt, who also has insulinoma, is taking this the hardest.  All
we can do is to continue help them with their battle and hope for the best.
Wish us and our little monsters luck!
-kim, squirt (i don't feel good), pippi (what's wrong with you guys?),
 atlas (I hate that stuff you feed me!), jinx (supreme spitter), and rosie
 (the trouble-maker)
Kimberly Burkard     |             _    Everything I needed to know in life,
Eastman Kodak Company|      _____C .._. I learned from my ferret:
Rochester, New York  | ____/     \___/  Frolic and dance for joy often, have
[log in to unmask]    |<____/\_---\_\    no fear or worries, and enjoy life.
[Posted in FML issue 2457]