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Thu, 8 Oct 1998 16:58:49 -0500
Vesna Kovach <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
A note about el cheapo dryer hose vs. the more expensive items packaged as
ferret playthings.  The extra $$ is worth it!
We thought it was silly to spend so much money on a ferret tube, so we
originally got a dryer hose.  The ferrets loved it to pieces--literally!
They tore it to shreds over the course of a few months.  We duct-taped it
until there was hardly anything left but duct tape, but eventually, it was
pretty much shot.
As an experiment, when we replaced the tube, thought we'd try the Shephard &
Green tube.  What a difference!  After more than a year, the tube is
completely intact!  It costs more up front, but then you save down the
road, because you don't have to buy another one.  (Or use up a roll of duct
Also, watching the ferrets inside a clear tube is *so* much fun!  We
discovered that Ferris switches his tail back and forth super-fast when
he's in the tube.  But nowhere else!  Without clear plastic, we never would
have had the joy of seeing him make that adorable motion.
Hugs to all the ferrets out there,
Vesna Kovach
Editor, Madison Pet Gazette
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[Posted in FML issue 2456]