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Sun, 4 Oct 1998 02:59:32 -0300
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I know I haven't posted anything here to the tone of Daisy and her ailments.
Actually, I haven't posted that much in the last while on anything.  Sorry
but I have been out strait with Daisy.
Daisy has been VERY ill, what from, I am not sure.  Yes I did take her to
the Vet.  Debbie, my vet put Daisy on antibiotics for a total of 5 days.
No blockages, no overly concerns as far as Debbie could figure.  Debbie
wanted to do this 5 day antibiotic thing, (some sore of a cold/flu bug),
and maybe check further if things did not subside.  Daisy has had nil I
mean NIL appetite, energy and spirit.
IMHO, if it was not for Dayna & Jason (my fav duo), on how to feed Daisy
and maintain her, Daisy would not be with me today.  I want to thank you
both so much for everything.
Daisy is slowly coming around.  Daisy is a music lover at heart and tonight
when she heard music, she wanted to finally dance, and she out war danced
me!!!  Now that's my girl.
Dayna & Jason, your Super!!!  Where would I be without you?  Something I
don't even want to think about.  I am so fortunate to be so blessed to have
Jade, Daisy and and friends like Dayna and Jason.  Kristen and Rose I want
to thank you for your support too, You all kept me going' just when I
thought I was losing it myself, you kept me believing.  I love all of you.
Daisy?  Well she's gonna be just fine!!!
PS: Jean this is for Peppy: I am so sorry, you are indeed a miracle boy!!!
Kisses to you sweetheart!
Jadesun ;o)
Taken forever a "Whisper to a Scream"
[Posted in FML issue 2452]