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Fri, 2 Oct 1998 11:02:30 -0500
Jeri Klein <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
Hi to All:
I am really excited.  We brought home not one but two playmates for our
little boy, Kinze.  My daughter and I found two little MF girls at a humane
society shelter.  They are darlings.  Deere is 2 1/2 years and Casey is 1
1/2 years.  They are both sable and had been well cared for.  Their previous
owner had taken them in for a friend but you know how that sometimes goes.
The owner already had ferrets and couldn't keep them.  The shelter people
told us that the owner was quite upset that he had to give up these girls
but it was our lucky day.  Both girls got a clean bill of health from the
shelter vet but I'll be taking them to our own vet as soon as everyone is
well settled in.
Both girls have wonderful dispositions and do not bite.  It took a couple
of days for them to figure out where their bathroom is but that has resolved
itself.  Kinze is accepting them as well as can be expected.  Actually, he
is doing pretty well.  There haven't been any knock down drag out fights
just allot of "getting to know you" types of behavior.
Anyone who knows me, knows how excited I must be to get more fuzzies.  I
always thought that Kinze would be an only ferret.  My husband strongly
dislikes animals in the house.  Fortunately, I am home during the day and
the ferrets get the run of the house.  My husband finally relented after I
explained how much our daughter and I loved Kinze and wanted to adopt an
adult ferret who otherwise would not have much of a chance of finding a
good home.  After we found "the girls" and got the okay to adopt, I got my
daughter out of school early and headed to the pet store for new ferret
loot.  From there we headed for the shelter and were greeted by two freshly
washed girls.  The girls had certainly won over the shelter staff.  They
now sport new harnesses when out and about and have all kinds of new toys
and sleep sacks, etc.  (I am sure my husband thinks I'm a little nuts.) I
am presently keeping Kinze and them in separate cages at night and when I'm
not around.  Of course, our daughter's room is a little more crowded now
but she doesn't mind.
I've rambled enough about our good fortune.  Thanks for listening :~)
Jeri and Julianna Klein
Kinze, Deere, and Casey
[Posted in FML issue 2450]