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Tue, 29 Sep 1998 09:49:41 -0400
Barbara Carlson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
My Pepper has not been eating his regular food since before Sept 2.  He's
been eating a/d mixed with Ensure willingly enough, but I'm wondering if it
has enough vitamins, fat, etc. to keep him going?  He's got very fat right
after the surgery (the vet checked him and it felt like just fat) and I've
cut down to 1/2 can a day (1/4 in the morning and 1/4 at night).  The vet
had said 1/4 can a day would be enough if I was force feeding him.  He's
on 1/8 tablet prednisone every other day, Pepto and Clavomox for suspected
ulcer and a lactobacillus paste for intestinal problems (basically
replenishing the normal bacteria in the intestine).  He's energetic,
playful, his hair is growing back, but he refuses to touch his kibble.
I'm also giving him the herbal tonic by Rene Caisse.
I don't mind the work mixing it up and I'll feed it to him forever if I
need to, but will he be healthy on it alone?  I asked my vet if I should
mix any powdered TF in with it and he said no.  What do you guys think?
[Posted in FML issue 2447]