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Mon, 28 Sep 1998 10:36:36 -0500
Troy Lynn Eckart <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
To the enjoyment of the ferrets, yesterday was cleaning day.
You never know how large your living room is until you move everything out
or to one side to clean carpets.  The ferrets run, bounce, jump, and tumble
in the bare area.  A wonderland of bareness.  For those of you that have
visited us you know just how much space is covered by 'ferret things'.  For
those that haven't, every wall is lined up with something ferrety and in
the middle of the floor too.  Of course when you move all that 'stuff' to
the other side of the living room it creates another playland (much to the
dogs disappointment as they try to dodge bouncing, bumbling ferrets).  This
also creates stairways to fobidden places.  :-0
Now comes the great sucking machine and it of course must be tamed and
invited to play by the bravest ferrets.  Vacuuming is a delicate task -
don't want to vacuum up any tails or feet, but it is great to take the hose
after a tail of a ferret that is bullying another.  ;-)
And then of course there is the great cleaning machine that must be shown
where to go (you know how when the ferret ever so slowly walks backwards in
front of the steam cleaner).  And the ferrets have to tap dance when their
dry feet meet wet carpet.
Oh and the surprise behind the tv stand.  I was obviously mistaken to think
that the litter belonged IN the litter box... Odd, no one was around at
that time.
In the meantime the kitchen has met its match (while I'm busy in the living
room).  :-(
Oh and the ferrets had company yesterday, twice.  What a treat for them.
They love people so and it brightens their day when someone comes to visit
them.  They slowly wander out and amble over to the company and politely
ask to be picked up or played with.  If company is sitting on the futon,
the ferrets climb up the ramp and walk right up on them.  They expect that
everyone loves ferrets as I do and are quite sure of it too.  :-)
Such a busy day.
Hugs to all. tle
[Posted in FML issue 2446]