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Mon, 28 Sep 1998 14:33:50 -0400
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Greetings list,
I am mostly a lurker.  But I had to say something this time.  I heart goes
out to all of those who have sick ferrets or who have lost their fur child.
I give my guys an extra hug for every tear I shed when reading those
postings.  My children get alot hugs.  Best wishes to Jasper.  Those
posting have caught my eye.  I hope all goes well.
The main reason I am posting is because some one was talking about adopting
older ferrets.  I say I have to agree.  Klyde Buddy isn't an adoption but a
rescue.  None the less he is much older then my other ferrets.  And I
wouldn't trade him or any of them for the world.  Klyde Buddy was feed
poorly, given the wrong type of litter(the clumpable kind) and the owner
didn't like the smell so he wasn't let out of his cage except to take him
in to a pet beauty shop once year for a bath and nail trim.  He only
weighed 1.6lbs when we got him.  The next day I rushed him to the vet and
we trimmed his nails gave him this shots and did the work up and he checked
out o.k.  I was luck with this rescue so many aren't so luck with their
health.  Since the time we picked him up he gave us nothing but kisses.
Not much a of cuddler but I don't blame him after spending three years of
his life in a cage.  All he wants to do is walk around.  My other ferrets
are a year or younger.  So my old boy is so special to me.  We have had him
for over a year now.  Now my three young ones are great for playing with
and chasing them around the room and running from as they chase me.  Klyde
is just special because he is old and has missed so much of his life and
now he tries so hard to make up for.
Please people don't for get the older ferrets.  The young ones have so much
life to them that they are great but the older ones have lost so much.
Please give some back to them.
When I am ready to add more of the ferret math to my already full house.
I will try first to adopted an older ferret.  But right now I own nine
pets four being ferrets.  I have my hands full.  Please give all your fur
children a hug for me.  And remember all of those that have crossed over
the Rainbow Bridge.
Melanie Mullins
Saleena Moor, Klyde Buddy, Eirik the Red, Vivian Mae, plus one dog, three
cats and one spider.
[Posted in FML issue 2446]