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Sun, 27 Sep 1998 04:45:21 -0400
Robynn McCarthy <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
The reason I wouldn't expose my ferrets to nutrasweet, would be because the
products that utilize it are generally not the healthiest thing to feed
them to begin with.  I certainly wouldn't ever give my ferrets soda pop, or
iced tea that might be sweetened with Equal, because they both can contain
unhealthy amounts of caffeine.  Does pedialite contain nutrasweet?  That
wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to me, if that is the case (thankfully I
haven't had to use any on human or animal for a very very long time), but
if that is true, it's certainly too bad for those who have a sensitivity.
I have heard reports here and there about the possible long term side
effects of having Nutrasweet in your diet, mostly in the first few years
after Nutrasweet was introduced in Diet Coke and Equal, also Sugar Free
Kool Aid.  These are the products that I grew up on.  As a child for
various medical reasons, including being a chubby kid, my mom wouldn't let
me have any sugar.  So when nutrasweet came out, it was like a saviour to
me.  I didn't have to drink Tab anymore, and I could finally have Kool Aid
like other kids.  I've been a soda addict all my life, and thankfully diet
soda (almost all have nutrasweet now, but in the beginning was just diet
Coke) exists so that I didn't rot my teeth, or consume huge amounts of
sugar.  I have never had any reactions to it, I was a far and away above
average student all through school, including college.
I did however do a little online research after reading your post, and
sadly to say what I saw didn't convince me at all.  Especially a man who
likens the person who invented Nutrasweet to Hitler, and linking some of
the president's recent problems to the fact that he is an avid diet Coke
drinker.  I realize this could be construed as satire, but the person is
very serious, including pictures of Hitler, and a picture of Clinton during
his deposition, taking a drink of diet Coke.
Hopefully if there is truly a problem, there will be more credible people
to bring it to light for those in need, than what I've been able to find
so far.
Gargoyle (what's that stuff I can't have? And..can I have some?) and
Morticia (Even if you could, I'd eat it all first!)
[Posted in FML issue 2445]