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Sun, 27 Sep 1998 01:39:18 EDT
Signe Peerson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
Marta wrote about her first-time date finding her purple undies in the
ferret tent and asked if this kind of thing had happened to anyone else.
When I first was divorced and living alone, my college-aged daughter gave
me a box of condoms as a joke gift.  Having no other immediate use for
them, I filled them with water, tied ribbons around the tops, and let the
ferrets play with them.  The condoms became swiftly deflated, of course,
so I gathered them all up and put them in the garbage.
But it turned out that I hadn't actually gathered them ALL up.  Months
later I contacted a local minister upon the recommendation of a friend,
since I was looking for a smallish divorcee-friendly church to join.  The
minister and his wife made an appointment to visit me at my apartment, and
that evening I baked cookies and had everything spic and span, including
the ferrets.  Mr. and Mrs. Minister seemed to like the ferrets, so I let my
Chief Ferret (the "best- behaved" one) out to run around the living room.
While we humans were chatting about God, etc., my ferret made a brief
excursion into my bedroom and returned dragging a deflated condom (with a
kinky pink ribbon still attached) across the middle of the living room
floor...I have no idea where he'd stashed it all that time.
The minister and his wife didn't react visibly, but I went into a
panic/asthma attack.  They left shortly thereafter.  Needless to say, I
didn't pursue joining that particular church, and they didn't pursue me
[Posted in FML issue 2445]