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Print Reply
Sun, 27 Sep 1998 16:40:28 EDT
Chere McCoy <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
Dear FMLer's:
At 10:30 AM EDT Sunday 27 September 1998, I informed the Coordinators of
Ferret Friends Disaster Response International that we were moving to
DISASTER RESPONSE STATUS for the area extending from Pensacola, Fl, to
Morgan City, LA due to the impending Landfall of Hurricane Georges.
Hurricane Georges is a very dangerous Hurricane.  Children of Fur,
Feathers, Scales, Shells and Hooves who are hurt, abandoned, or in need of
rescue due to this Hurricane are COUNTING ON US.  DO NO let them down.
We have a forward supply area address for you to send supplies to.  It will
be given at the end of this message.  The supplies will be loaded into
vehicles and moved directly to the Disaster area for distribution.
When sending supplies please mark your box whether the supplies inside are
for: Cats, Dogs, Ferrets, Large Animals (horses, cows, lama's, etc.),
general supplies or medical.
Please check our website at
for the latest supplies list.  Also needed are basic items such as food for
dogs, cats, ferrets, birds, etc., Leash's, portable cages of all sizes.
Blankets, food dish's, water bowls, hoof picks, halters and leads for
horses, etc., things do not have to be new, but need to be in good shape.
Please begin packing the supplies TODAY and send them AS SOON AS
    Frisky Ferrets Info & Rescue
    %Tricia & Joe Conley
    822 College Street
    Shreveport, LA   71104
A great bit THANK you to Tricia & Joe and the members of the Frisky Ferrets
for their assistance.  They have a tremendous task ahead of them and they
will carry it out with all the strength and love people who love ferrets
and do rescue's must have.  Tricia & Joe may need help transporting the
items.  If you are willing to help with transportation please E-Mail
[log in to unmask]
The next 36 hours are going to be horrendous for every human and animal in
the path of Hurricane George.
PLEASE help us help the Children of Fur, Feathers, Scales, Shells, and
Hooves.  Send what you can to help NOW!
Chere McCoy
Director, Ferret Friends Disaster Response International
[Posted in FML issue 2445]