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Fri, 25 Sep 1998 01:59:06 -0600
Deba Brezden <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (106 lines)
Hey Ya FML Furtfolks ;o)
Gee we hope all are doing just super, our prayers for all in the grip of
sorrows or pains, of the fuzzels and families of the FML.  A hug gos out.
Ferris sez, do's ya knos 'owcome moms jist bizzee bizzee bizzee??  N'do ya
knos wat's x-zaklee dis dang'ed MOOVVV'N ting mom keps seddin??
Acchhh we hate movin! Not da movin really, jus ta packin part eh! ;o)
Dooks galore from Ferris, weez jess hads ta speech up on dis'ere eh. . .
>From:    zauberin <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Ferret speak
>I have a favor to ask, please.  And please believe that this is not
>directed as a flame/put down/or any of the other cheerful things we
>sometimes see, just as a request.  In the future, when posting about
>ferret illnesses, no matter how small or serious, can you PLEASE not do
>it in "ferret/baby writing"?
We're dismayed for you, that you've apparently, by your determinations,
found the FML to be such a taxing and unpleasant source of information.  We
find it doubly sad, because we ourselves are also convinced it is in fact,
both a most valuable resource for ferret knowledge and support, as well as
a thoroughly marvellous "experential community forum".  We are so very glad
to have been granted the blessing of finding this unique and wonderful
"internet neighborhood", wherein dwell thousands of precious individual
ferret families, all comprised of intelligent, witty, loving, skilled,
dynamic, learned, devoted, compassionate, supportive, creative, and caring,
people, from around the world; who we term affectionately, furtfolks.
We thank God daily, for the awsome blessing of allowing our own little
family to meet them all and enjoy their company, and that I'm blessed to be
in possession of a right in fact to do so, and indeed to fully enjoy the
benefit of BOTH their FREE EXPRESSION and KNOWLEDGE.  We are grateful for
every morsel of beneficial information we are provided through this
invaluable medium.  AND we will "exclude" not one single valuable bit of
wisdom, regardless of 'any' other aspect/s of the post or the folks who
deliver us these blessed gifts of knowledge and education, to permit us to
inturn, bless our furrit kids.
AND we also, very much, do indeed 'enjoy' ALL the often joyful, comical,
whimsical, contented, friendly, witty, boastful, curious, surprizing, light
hearted, expressions of furtfolks.
AND we are honored to be able to enjoy this precious interchange of our
support, compassion, sympathy, and friendship, to overcome in all those
times of difficulty, illness, tradgedy, and loss.
AND we even, ( in so far as we ARE glad, for their own "equal right" of
free speech and expression too), thank God for ALL of the argumentative,
arrogant, opinionated, insulting, sarcastic, ignorant, defensive, ill
mannered, spiteful, and demeaning, expressions of furfolks too, (though
admittedly we wish they didn't even exist here!) and we simply cast away
the chaff gleening any and all the good from within it, should it exist.
AND we too would confidently testify, that the occasion of any negative
expression is incredibly seldom considering the large overall population
in relation to the percentage of times they occur, in comparison to the
percentage the positives occur, a situation that is extremely uncommon, and
is in fact rarely seen, within the realm of "mailing lists", it is our own
experience, and not to in any way "deny" or "supercede" all the experience
of others, for indeed the vast expanse of the internet allows for so very
many possible situations to exist, BUT for us, and we at the present time,
in doing this horrible moving thing, found we're forced to unsubscribe and
resubscribe, to 9 lists, and we find the FML along with only one other to
have both the most pleasant people, and a least ratio of bickering to
information obtained, and enjoyment had.  It is of course always our prayer
that in days ahead we may find other nice folks we can share intrests and
information with on other lists, but in the meantime, we feel we're pretty
blessed to have the FML in our lives, and we look forward ta resubscribin
to it first thing we get hooked up!
To the folks who wish this list was anything "other" than it is, may we
respectfully offer a suggestion.  Why don't you 'start-up' another list
too, one which "does" exactly what you want it to do, and that way you can
be doubly blessed, you will have the list "you wish this one was" as well
as the FML, just as it is!  And all we furtfolks will be blessed too as
we'll have another furrit list we can join in on, and we'll have the
wonderful FML we all so love!  A win-win!  We encourage ya all da way! ;o)
We find this "request" is therefore a "favor" we could never grant, and
we'd urge anyone else to also refrain, and indeed, in speaking from a free
democratic society, I dount anyone really has a right to ask it.
And BIG -  Thanks, if not for you FML wouldn't be the terrif list it is!
Ferris "weez gonna talks iffin weez wans ta huh mom!!"
and his grateful FML mom
Deba Brezden
Moderator's note: I don't understand this post.  Julie can indeed ask that
we refrain from "ferretspeak" -- your "free democratic society" analogy
supports that.  Likewise, you can choose to continue using ferretspeak if
you wish.  Julie is making her views on the subject known, just as other
people have done, and since her views are related to ferrets or the FML,
they are welcome on this list -- as are yours.
The topic comes up now and then -- the verdict is usually split.  If there
is a series of ferretspeak posts -- like an ongoing story -- I agreed a
long time ago to move them to the end of the FML so those choosing to
skip such posts can do so easily (as can those who choose to go right to
them!).  BIGŁ
[Posted in FML issue 2443]