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Wed, 23 Sep 1998 23:02:49 PDT
Carrie Moore <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
Hi all! It's me again!
I sure seem to have a lot of questions...
Here's the situation.  My two ferts, Loki and Balder, are due for their
distemper/rabies vacc.  I take them into the vet, a new vet since we are
in a new town.  She doesn't seem very knowledgeable with ferrets AT ALL,
contrary to what her secretary informed me, and asked all sorts of
questions (what does one feed a ferret?  etc.) and was shocked when she
found out you could turn a ferret "off", i.e. scruff them.  This raised
some flags.
Well, after a short exam and her pronouncing my babies "healthy," the
needles came out.  I have NEVER had a problem with shots and my ferrets
before, usually Loki doesn't even notice.  This time was different.
Balder was first--He JERKED away from the needle, tearing his skin and
bleeding profusely.  She then injected him in the hip area, to give his
scruff a rest.  This obviously hurt him a lot!  Immediately after the vet
let him go, off he went like a shot to my shoulder!!!  But he was still
bleeding, and we had to swab him off and douse the area in alcohol.
Then came Loki.  She picked up the scruff of his neck and inserted the
needle and loki CRIED.!!  Now help me out here!!!  I had NEVER heard him
emit any noise like this EVER before!!  He opened his mouth slightly and
let out a long aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh, high pitched, and it sounded kind of like
a long, drawn out dog whine.  It's hard to describe, but it was obvious he
was in pain too!  He also jerked away from the needle, but he didn't bleed,
thank god (that scared me).  The second injection was even worse, and as
soon as she let HIM go, off like a shot he ran to my shoulder.
Now they're both having diarrhea.  Is this a reaction to the shots?  To
fear?  I don't really know what to think...should I pursue a different vet?
THANK YOU for any responses...soon!!  I'm not sure what to think...I've
been brought up to assume that professionals know their line of work!!
But I wonder about her...with ferrets anyway.
she was perfectly professional with my cat.
Carrie, Loki (aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh...*cry*), and Balder (ow, ow, ow!)
  ----      Their continuing mission: to leave no drawer
(/.  .\)    uninvestigated, to seek out new linatone, new
__ "_  ___  treats, to boldly poop where no ferret has
-///-\\\--  pooped before!
[Posted in FML issue 2442]