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Wed, 23 Sep 1998 21:17:13 -0400
silver e <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (50 lines)
Hi ferret folks!
Ferret math has struck again!  Yes, I've done it again!  Last week I went
into our local pet store.  They had a beautiful little DEW.  I played with
him a little and decided that I couldn't afford him just yet.  I have paid
out almost $2000.  in vet bills in the last few months, and I need to get
my household bills caught up before I think of buying another ferret!  He
was cute though, and had a very sweet temperment.  Anyway, I left the pet
store empty-handed.
Yesterday I went back in and went straight to the baby.  The pet store
owner told me he was worried about him.  He was sleeping all of the time,
and didn't seem to be eating very much.  His stools were normal and he
wasn't coughing.  His eyes were bright and clear.  He just didn't have much
energy.He had also lost some weight and was feeling pretty skinny.  I
picked him up and ran my hands across his little body.  I couldn't feel any
lumps or bumps, and besides being thin his body felt pretty normal.  I
examined his mouth and his gums were nice and pink, but his teeth were very
tiny and short.  According to the papers from the breeders he is supposed
to be 9 weeks old.  I don't think so!!!!
I immediately went home and made up some duck soup and returned to the pet
store with soup and droppers in hand.  I gave the little guy a dropperful of
duck soup and he practically inhaled it.  When I tried to remove the dropper
to refill it, he latched onto it with all his might and screamed at me.
While I was home making the duck soup the store owner was in contact with
the breeders vet.  She told him that the little guy was either taken away
from his Mom too early, by mistake, or it was possible that he had a
congenital heart defect.  The vet told him that I was doing the right thing
for him and to continue.  Well I convinced the store owner to let me take
the little guy home and try to fatten him up.  If my hunch is correct, he
was starving because he could not eat the dry ferret food.  I convinced the
owner that I had far more time to devote to the little guy and I made an
agreement with him....if the ferret survives, I will pay for him.  in
October.  Much to my surprise, he agreed, and I came home with a baby.
I weighed him and he was 10 oz. I've been feeding him every 2 to 3 hours
and tonight he is 12 oz. I had him out to play and he explored the
apartment and did a pretty wobbly war dance. But he was playing with and
chasing my niece. I do have him isolated from the other crew for now, just
as a precaution. The clever little fellow is even using his litter pan!
I looks like we are going to have a new member to our family. I have named
him Beasley. I hope he continues to do as well as he did for the first 24
Sally St. Germain and the 7 and 1/2 "Little Saints"
[Posted in FML issue 2441]