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Mon, 21 Sep 1998 13:54:04 EDT
Sandy Repper <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
There's a title for you.I've got everyone's interest now.To start with,you
don't desex a ferret,or any animal.They are still male and female,they
still act male and female,a little less intensely thank goodness.They have
just lost their ability to procreate.If you think a neutered male can't
have sex,you're wrong.I've personally witnessed this.What a surprise.
Ah yes,that wonderful concoction ferret poop soup.We've been using this for
quite a while around the barn,what with hantavirus rearing it's ugly
head.Keeps them mousies away.What about the poor vole?  Isn't he gonna
think there's a predator out there waiting for him.I think they might be
keeping the vole away also.
To the person who's female had a swollen vulva,it's still possible she has
an adrenal problem.My Jasmine had the same symptoms,all her hair and
swollen,then it went away.Guess what,it came back and now she has hair
loss,poor bald headed,bare footed little girl.Get the blood test done and
save yourself some heartache.If nothing else,you'll have a healthy blood
sample to compare later if the need arises,and you'll feel better.That's
assuming you haven't done so yet.I hope it was nothing,and you have no
problems later.That's the best outcome.BTW her symptoms reappeared 5
monthes later.Guess she's just a tough old bird,looney bird,or was that
gooney bird.
Love da fuzzbutts,for they will give kisses and send your troubles down the
drain.Along with other stuff.
Sandy & 3 stress relievers
[Posted in FML issue 2439]