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Mon, 21 Sep 1998 12:44:41 -0500
Melanie Hawkins <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
My bigboy, Normie, is having his left eye removed on Wednesday.  We have
been putting steroids in his eye to get the swelling down since it's a bit
bigger than the right eye, and it doesn't seem to get any better.  Also,
fluid gets trapped under the cornea at times which makes his eye look
cloudy.  We have been working with his eye since springtime and it hasn't
gotten any better.  I think that down the road it could be a problem, so I
wanted to get it taken care of now while he is younger.  Norm is 5 years
old, so he's not a youngster to begin with.  The vet.  said that the
surgery shouldn't be difficult and ferrets seem to do fine with missing
eyeballs since they primarily use their noses to get around.  I am
convinced that Norm won't be affected too much since his nose is on the
ground most of the time anyway when making his way around the house,
outside, etc.  If anyone has a ferret who's eye/eyes have been removed
e-mail me with your story.  Is there anything that I should be careful
about while Norm is in his recovery stage?  I just hope that everything
goes alright with my big guy.
Melanie and the gang (Gizmo, Normie, and Moser)
[Posted in FML issue 2439]