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Sat, 19 Sep 1998 09:17:46 -0500
Millie Sanders <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
Read Rachel's post that she is giving up on us and it is a loss to us.  I
hope it was good intentions when someone wrote to warn her about recliners
but I wanted it known I have corresponded privately with her and find this
to be a unique individual with a kind and loving heart.  We need more
people like her who want to help others and will accept others for who they
are, she wants peace and harmony amongst the ferret lovers and hurts to see
people bash one another just because they have a difference of opinion.
I have received private mail from the list and enjoy it.  Fortuneately it
has all been to help (the Coke Cola episode especially) and to comment on
the "crews" personalities.  I have not been flamed, lucky I guess.
I should hope those who can care would drop her a line and encourage her
with 3,000 readers, there is bound to be a few who are rude, and we want
her to continue to read and join in with FML, she has some real positive
P.s: I have 3 recliners in where the ferrets have free roam.  Like EVERY
ferret owner knows/or should know, they are dangerous.  That is why I have
wood blocks under one and heydock blocks under the other two.  Meiserable
getting up and down but once there............aaaaaaaaah.
Millie & her noble cleaning crew
Easy Off: the most perfect ferret in the whole wide world
Ammonia: You wonder how long I am out for now???  Grandma, you're the one
who keeps putting me in there.
Cascade: Dizzy, do you know how to do the "Stroll" an American dance from
the 50's/60's?
Ajax: Ok girlie, you can turn around and go back out this tunnel the same
way you got in it.
Dizzy: Why can't sprites and joys be more like a hob, we are so gentle, so
loving, so kind.
Joy: How about that American song from the 50's/60's "I'm just a rubber
ball, I come bouncing back to you ou ou......
Dizzy:  you just had to say that word, didn't you!
[Posted in FML issue 2437]