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Tue, 15 Sep 1998 21:44:09 -0600
Cher Rees <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (18 lines)
I went out and got a new ferret from a breeder and the breeder told me she
nips.  silly me I didnt know nips drew blood :)  Oni's nips never do, so
after several bleeding holes in my hand I decided to go and get bitter
apple, and thats when I discovered that while bitter apple works to stop
Cinnimon from bitting it only stops her while Im still wearing it, and
thats where Oni comes in Oni LOVES the taste of bitter apple she licks it
off any exposed skin :) I cant even leave the bottle down as she trys to
steal the bottle.  My husband thinks this is verry funny as I cant walk on
the floor as both ferrets follow me one to bite and the other to lick me
just thought I wold share this amusing story with you all and ask if anyone
has any other suggestions on what to do to stop cinnimon from bitting
thanks all
Cheryl,Oni,and Cinnimon
[Posted in FML issue 2434]