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Mon, 14 Sep 1998 13:50:23 -0400
Barbara Carlson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Don't read this if you don't want to be bummed out. *sigh*  My Pepper, my
naughty silvermitt, just had his second adrenal surgery and I guess I
waited too long this time.  It's cancerous.  The vet said it was adrenal
carcinoma, that it had invaded a lot of the surrounding tissue, that it's
very invasive and usually it hits the liver first.  I'm really, really sad
about this.  Pepper is a special ferret to me ... I love them all, but
Pepper is the biggest, most mischevious, easiest to take places -- he's my
"spokesferret".  He has a lot of personality and I could hand him to little
kids to hold.  He's photogenic -- every picture I've taken of him has been
wonderful.  He looked like a little wolf when he was a baby.  I used to
rock him to sleep :) It's not fair ... he's only 3.
I've read a lot of stuff on the web and in the FML but right now I can't
remember any of it.  The guilt is hard ... I suspected something and if
I'd taken him in earlier, if I'd insisted, maybe it would have been caught
before it turned to cancer.  But there's no way of knowing.  It could have
gone cancerous right after the last surgery, for all we know.
Anyway, I'm sorry to be such a downer.  I'm going to look into some herbal
stuff ... Timmy comes to mind ... and enjoy him while he's around.  *sigh*
[Posted in FML issue 2432]