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Sun, 13 Sep 1998 22:47:29 -0800
alia granda <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
Well everyone, I think Brandy got the message!  I just hope she read the
FML Sunday!  See Brandy, we're a lot more normal than you think....sorta.
There is no NORMAL fert person, that's what makes us ferty people.
I just wanted to say a big ole THANKYOU to all the people who wrote me in
regards to adopting a new fert.  Breeders and shelters alike wrote to me
offering to help us add a family member, and I really appreciate it.  I
think we're going to adopt from a shelter up in Fairbanks, run by a
wonderful lady named Diane Ashton.  We're still in the works for deciding
on just the right fuzzy (or two?) So thankyou again to everyone who wrote
to help.
I love fert people!  Aren't we just the best?!
(I'm still wondering about a breeder of angora's, I got a note saying
there was one here in the U.S., so we'll wait and see!)
Lia and my crew-o-poohbears!
Louie: Where's that wannabe fert-cat?  I just know he's trying to ambush
       me from behind!
Arnold: Mom!  Hold me!  That mean ole puddy-tat is trying to eat me!
Hooman Baby: ga ga ma ma drool drool
Rollie:  Why are those silly ferts running from me?
The most beautiful thing in the world is my daughter's smile :)
[Posted in FML issue 2432]