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Fri, 11 Sep 1998 08:08:11 -0500
Nancy J Stenson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
A potential hazard we didn't notice ahead of time: the space between door
and floor in old houses is sometimes big enough for a little head to go
under but not all the way.  Our Charmin got caught investigating the door
between the ferrets' new room and our daughter's next door.  Don't know
how long she was there, and it was scary trying to extricate her, but
fortunately no lasting damage was done.
On another note:
>For the guilt trip, sometime it is more the close of the door and the
>lack of being able to go past it than it is anything else.  Their little
>minds are so active, if you ran around to the window and peaked in I
>would bet he has already left the door and into entertaining himself...
Kids do this, too.  Once when our daughter was a baby she was howling as we
left for an evening out only to realize we'd forgotten something and return
no more than a minute later.  There she was, giggling away in the
babysitter's arms, just where we'd left them.  All an act, and she was
barely a year old.  I've always suspected ferrets of pulling the same scam.
[Posted in FML issue 2429]