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Thu, 10 Sep 1998 23:45:30 -0400
Melissa Sutton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
Hi, Cher!
I'm forwarding this to FML, too, in case my humble words might prove of
value to someone else...
I saw your post and wanted to offer my .02 cents... 'hope the exchange
rate is good  ;->  heehee!
I bought my daughter our, uh, her (yeah, that's the ticket) first ferret
this past Christmas.  We had such a good time with Dexter that we wondered
if it wouldn't be double the fun - for us and for Dex - if we got her a
When I called a pet shop that specializes in ferrets, the manager had a
FANTASTIC idea... she asked us to bring Dex with us.  She then let all of
the kits and Dex run around together in a pen area.  We watched as they
played and, after about 10 minutes, Dex & Cocoa had chosen each other.
How did we know?  I'm glad you asked...
Cocoa was the least afraid and most playful & outgoing toward Dex.  Dex, in
turn, would climb upon Cocoa's back; a sign of dominance AND of
possessiveness among ferrets (this is my understanding... someone please
correct if wrong, but it worked for us..).  THIS was how she indicated HER
Dex groomed Cocoa the entire ride home (1 hr!!).. she was sooooooooo
happy that I nearly cried.  Warm Fuzzies going on.. pun intended...
THEN came Week From Hell.
Dex turned into Devil Ferret and ABSOLUTELY TORMENTED Cocoa.  I had to
separate them and gradually re-introduce them by slowly increasing their
time together.  After that week or so, things were fine.  Pecking order
had been successfully established.
'Hope that my experience helps you somehow!  I wish you much luck!!!  Let
us know if you fall victim to Ferret Math!  "Moooo waaaa haaaa haaaaaa!"
<sinister laugh>
Happy Dooks to all the Hoomans & the Fuzzies who own 'em!!
proud mom to Dexter, Cocoa, MoJo & Dodger  >^v^<-,----------,'''''''
[Posted in FML issue 2428]