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Thu, 10 Sep 1998 13:23:04 -0500
Millie Sanders <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
Poor Jennifer, I remember a doctor saying no baby deserves to be the first
born - I guess that goes with ferret ownership too.
I too worried that I couldn't hold my little darling Easy Off, she was too
busy for me.  So I got another little one and then I got a grown one then I
got two grown ones.  And now guess who is the laid back hold me as long as
you want to ferret.  It takes time and patience and the know- ledge you
don't have to let them have their way over everything.  A forced holding
does not stunt their growth and you can ignore the struggling and just cooo
and talk baby talk all you want.  Rubbing the head and ears also has a
calming effect.  I still cannot calm a raging ferret the way Patty at the
shelter can, but since Easy Off was subjected to the torture as an infant,
she now just lays there ready to let you do whatever you want (as long as
it is NOT trimming nails) and just seems to lull herself to sleep.  So give
it time and patience and keep working on it.
For the guilt trip, sometime it is more the close of the door and the lack
of being able to go past it than it is anything else.  Their little minds
are so active, if you ran around to the window and peaked in I would bet he
has already left the door and into entertaining himself and you haven't even
gotten out of the driveway.  They may love and miss you but they also are a
little on the fickle side.  As long as you are providing him something to
keep the mind going, you are doing okay.  You might want to leave different
toys on different days to tantilize his mind while you are gone.  Kinda
like leaving kids at daycares - they cry as you go out the door and greet
you with all the love, in the meantime they took away some other kids
building blocks, shared a rattle with another kid, etc etc etc.
Just enjoy the little heart stealer.
Millie & her noble cleaning crew
Easy Off:  the most perfect ferret in the whole wide world
Ammonia:  Cheeeeseee! NOW I am out, I'll find me a pillow, plot myself
on it with my tail stuck up in the air, I'll be just perrrrfeect too.
Cascade:  the observer.  Let me get this straight - you guys like the
kissing???do you know how nasty humoid mouths are?  they don't even wash
with em or itch with em, they use a washcloth or their nails.  GROSS
Ajax:  yet to come, this is the wrong address Ms. Patty, I distintly
remember the numbers were different, hey we forgot to fill the gas tank.
Dixie & Joy:  Did someone mention tea?
[Posted in FML issue 2428]