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Wed, 9 Sep 1998 21:16:35 EDT
Leigh Whitaker <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
I have recently posted fliers around in my town of Knoxville, TN about
trying to get a ferret club started.  I have only gotten a few responses so
far (actually 6 or 7) but they have all been enthusiastic.  So the first
part of this post is to let others who might be in this area know that my
husband and I are trying to get a local ferret organization started.
Please email me if you are interested at [log in to unmask]
The second part of my post is to ask for advice.  Since I have put these
fliers up I have started getting phone calls from people who have gotten
ferrets and want to get rid of them.  I'm not sure I'm handling it the
right way... So far I've been trying to determine just why they want to get
rid of the ferrets and trying to persuade them to give it a little more
time.  It seems though, that most are determined that they are going to get
rid of their ferrets.  For example the call I got tonight the people had
bought the baby ferrets (2 of them) 1 week and ago and already decided they
didn't want them, tried to take them back to the pet store, you can only
imagine that didn't work.  The reason for getting rid of them: they smelled
too much of urine.  What I think is the problem: The starter kit they
bought with their ferrets came with wood shavings for litter.  I suggested
trying a regular absorbent cat litter and giving them another chance.  I'm
pretty sure they were not convinced.
I think there is a shelter in Lenoir City and I'm going to call them
tonight or tomorrow and ask if they would mind me referring people to them.
Other than that I'm not sure how to handle things like this, but I know if
I continue with a ferret organization this is going to be a recurring
situation, and I don't have the resources to adequately care for any more
ferrets.  Any suggestions from other sentimental softies like me?!?
Thanks in advance:
Leigh and Kylen and Fargo, Fonzi, Kami (who's doing well), and Moon Boy
Knoxville, TN
[Posted in FML issue 2427]