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Mon, 7 Sep 1998 11:13:26 EDT
Leigh Whitaker <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
I have been posting a little here and there.  I haven't been on the list
very long.  I have a problem as of this morning.  My little girl, Kami, is
sick.  There was vomit in her cage and she was looking pitiful.  She had
been having very small stools throughout the weekend, but she was still
playing like a demon ferret last night, so we decided to wait until the
holiday was over to take her to the vet, until we saw the vomit, that is.
When I saw this I immediately thought blockage.
So we took her to the Univ.  of Tenn.  emergency clinic this morning and
they said it sounds like an intestinal blockage.  They are doing x-rays,
fluids, observation, possibly exploratory surgery.  If someone has
experience with this I would appreciate any advice.  I think UT is the
best place she could be in the area, but I guess I am just wondering if
exploratory surgery is the only option for a foreign body???
Thanks in advance,
Leigh & Kylen Whitaker and our 4 Wild Children
[Posted in FML issue 2425]