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Sat, 5 Sep 1998 11:09:22 EDT
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Hello everyone,
Sadly our bill to legalize ferrets, AB 363, died a few days ago.  The bill
failed because one State Senator, Patrick Johnston (D-Stockton), refused to
allow it a hearing in his committee.  We believe we had the votes to pass
this committee easily which is one of the reasons Senator Johnston never
allowed it to come up.  As you recall, AB 363 passed the California State
Assembly by a huge bi-partisan majority (64-8) and mandated spay/neuter
and rabies vaccination for CA ferrets.  It then went to the Senate where
difficult amendments were taken that would have grandfathered (legalized)
the ferrets already here in CA while the state undertook a study.  No study
is necessary, but Californians for Ferret Legalization (CFL) supported AB
363 since so many ferrets and their owners (500,000+ ferrets) would have
regained some peace of mind from overzealous authorities at Fish and Game.
The opposition knows that a ferret legalization bill can pass the state
legislature.  That's why another bill, AB 409, was introduced to keep our
issue out of the legislature (thankfully it failed).  AB 409 would have
given the Fish and Game Commission complete authority to consider the ferret
issue, and would have required them to legalize ferrets only if it could be
shown that there would be no impact on people or the environment.  Dogs and
cats impact both far more than ferrets ever will, but the CA Department of
Fish and Game wants to ensure that ferrets are never allowed to be
legalized.  Don't let them get away with this!  Help out, get involved!
Take a moment to write to both of your State lawmakers, Assembly and Senate,
and tell them how disappointed you are that ferrets were not legalized this
year.  Thank them if they supported ferret legalization.  It is also time
to contact those candidates running for state office in your area as well
as both candidates for Governor.  Tell them how important this issue is for
you and that you want to know their position on ferret legalization prior
to Nov. 2nd.
Another reason AB 363 became bogged down in the Senate was due to the
opposition from the Audubon Society and Sierra Club.  Please write to both
organizations, the addresses are below.  Their opposition condones the
imposition of a fine and/or jail sentence on ferret owners for choosing a
domesticated pet that is safer to the environment than a cat, and safer to
people than a dog.  Fight back!  Don't give money to or join either
organization and tell your friends to do the same.
Two final requests.  First, it's time to thank our author Jan Goldsmith who
is departing the legislature this year.  Jan has cared deeply and worked
very hard on ferret legalization for the last five years and he deserves our
warmest appreciation.  His address is given below.  Secondly, I hope you
will consider a donation to Californians For Ferret Legalization.  We have
represented this issue in the legislature for the last 4 years and will be
introducing another bill next year (the opposition needs to know we will
never give up).  We must be ready financially to take up the banner again.
Help us cover our costs which include a lobbyist in Sacramento, first class
mailings, phone, broadcast faxes, copying and much more.  Since Californians
For Ferret Legalization spearheaded this movement, we've come further than
ever before.  We need to be able to continue these efforts on your behalf
if ferrets are to become legalized soon.  Please help us to help you.  Send
your donation to the address below.  Help us to keep this issue alive.
Jan Goldsmith's address is:
Assemblyman Jan Goldsmith
12307 Oak Knoll Suite A
Poway, CA 92064
Sierra Club and Audubon Addresses are:
Charles McGrady, President
Sierra Club
85 2nd Street
San Francisco, CA  94105
John Flicker, President
National Audubon Society
700 Broadway
New York, NY 10003
Thank you for your continued efforts.  Without your support, letters, faxes
and e-mails, we would have no chance of success.
Jeanne Carley
Californians for Ferret Legalization (CFL)
410 Mountain Home Road  Woodside, CA  94062
(650) 851-3750   <[log in to unmask]>
http://www.ferretnews.org-- CFL Website
[Posted in FML issue 2423]