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Thu, 3 Sep 1998 13:54:09 -0500
Christine Spaulding <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
Wanted to give you all an update on Sable.  She had Adrenal gland surgery
on Friday, last week.  She is home and doing very well.  She even delighted
me with a bit of a wardance last night and has since returned to the cage
with her 2 brothers, whom I might add, have been perfect little brats.
When I took her out of the cage and put her in the carrier Friday morning
the 2 boys were just staring at me as if I was killing her or something.
Jesse just stood there staring at me with this mean look on his face as if
to say "hey, where do you think your going with her, huh?" and Billy, poor
Billy, crawled under his t-shirt and started whimpering :(.  I'd never
heard such noise from them before.  It did, however, take a couple of days
to re-integrate her into the group due to the strong oder of the vets
office she picked up while there.  After a couple of supervised play
sessions they seemed to be getting along again.  In fact, last night when I
was preparing to put them back in their cage Sable ran into the large 3
story cage and wanted nothing to do with going back to the carrier to
sleep.  I think she was lonely.
OK so let me introduce my kids to you.  I don't think I did that in my
first post so I will do it now.  I adopted all three of my kids from Ferret
Wise shelter in NH.  Jesse is a male MF chocolate who weigh in at 3 lbs.,
Billy is a male MF dark sable who weigh in at 2.2 lbs, and then there is
Sable a female MF Siamese chocolate who weigh in at 1.11 lbs.  They are my
pride and joy along with my dog, William DFA, a springer spaniel with lots
of energy and love to give.  He helps with the ferrets, who seem to adore
him.  They are always trying to get him to chase them.  It's funny watching
as they sneak up behind him to nip his heals.  They are such little devils.
I need to ask a favor.  A friend of mine is due to have a baby very shortly
and has a siamese cat that has been diagnosed as FIV positive, although he
is very healthy.  She would love to keep the cat but unfortunately she will
be going to Kenya after the baby is born and doesn't feel like she can take
the cat too.  If you know of anyone in Southern Vermont, New Hampshire or
Northwestern Mass.  that would be interested we would like to hear from
them.  You can contact her or myself through my e-mail address.  Thanks,
this has been really hard on her as she really loves her kitty but just
can't take care of him and the new baby while traveling.
Happy dooks to all.
Christine & the kids
Jesse (guard ferret): "Where do you think your taking my sister, huh?"
Billy (cry baby):  "You can't take her, I'll miss her too much (sniff,
Sable (the spaz):  "Don't worry I'll be right back, honest.  Right Mom?"
[Posted in FML issue 2421]