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Sun, 30 Aug 1998 13:06:26 EDT
"Tikki Mite (Terry)" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
Well, it has been literally months since I have posted or have really read
any of my mailing lists.  FML being no exception.  It has been a very trying
year up to this point but I believe things are now turning around.
A few of you may remember my Simon, albino male,who could not use his hind
He finally asked me to let him rest earlier this year.  Yes, they do tell
you when it is time.  I took him to Dr Mark and I stayed with him.  Simon
laid his head in my hands and Dr Mark gave him a kiss on his head and gave
him the anesthetic.  Simon just closed his eyes and went to sleep very
peacefully.  My Taz, also albino male, obviously had adrenal disease and
had surgery just after Sinom left us.  The Drs found a cyst on his liver
and removed it.  It turned out to be cancer.  Taz had a very healthy, happy
and covered with new fur, life until July.  He went downhill extremely fast
(3-4) weeks and I had to have him put to sleep.  I had an autopsy done and
the cancer had consumed his liver.  It was the size of my fist (average
woman's).  It was incredible he could eat as it had crushed his stomach.
We had kept him comfortable and free of pain until the time he too told me
it was time.
Then just 2 weeks ago Benjamin had trouble peeing.  Made an emergency run
to the vet and could not even pass a catheter.  We worked for a good hour
before we could get it in far enough to drain the urine and flush him.  Mark
then was able to feel stones.  WE tried an x-ray and they showed up clear
as a bell.  It also showed the ureter being plugged.  Benjamin stayed there
and has surgery the next morning.  They remove 40 plus stones some the size
of 1/2 a pencil eraser.  I am still waiting for the analysys on the stones.
He aslo had a cyst on his bladder which held a tsp of fluid which they
drained.  I brought him home and he was pretty good for the weekend.
Monday morning he couldn't pass anything again.  Looked pretty sad.  Took
him back in and they cateterized him again and left it in for 24 hours (12,
he pulled it out) I am very happy to say Ben is doing fine.  They gave him
a shot of steriods to help with the inflamation and that seemed to do the
trick.  His stitches come out Thursday.
During all of this I have worked OT to pay the vet.  Hence, that is why I
have not been able to keep up with my FML.  I happy to be back and next time
I'll tell you of my new additions to my family.  Sable and Riely.
Love and Hugs to all of the little fuzz butts out there.  Love them every
day - their time with us is much too short.
Terry and the Extra Active 18
[Posted in FML issue 2417]