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Sun, 30 Aug 1998 05:01:20 EDT
Jena Adam <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
I wanted to make sure you read this all before mum comes in and yells at me
for using the computer!  Im a really good typist too SEE!
ZAnyways Mum took me to the vet this weekend to get me my shots -- she
didnt lie to me and say we were going to the playground or to see LIpton
and Windex at Seths house either.... but she promised that it would help
live so I agreed -- my first car trip and in my carrier too mum brought me
along my stuffed ferret pet to keep me company and the fingers were in the
cage the whole time so I could chew on them... well the placed smelled
funny and I heard hissing noise mum said they were cats but I dont know
what that is yet.
anyways theassistant loved my charm and so did the vet ... they probe in my
ears and I didnt like that much and I almost fainted when that needle went
in me boy did it hurt..... they tried to brivbe me with ferrettone but I
didnt fall for it....everything checked out and the vet loves me says I do
look like an angel.......
no fresh samples though and mum forgot to bring her own .... but it was ok.
anyways mum gives me some 8 in 1 ferretvite stuff that is yummy -- I dont
knowwhat ferrettone is yet cause mum gives me something in a bottle but I
dont really bother cause when im out I like to be like my older brother
Vinyl Reign and get into everything ... mum says I really am him!!!  I just
might be she'll never know.
but as mummy says im her lil Angel!  A name approiate I think cause when I
shit on the floor she doesnt get too upset with me!
love all and me mum too! Angel and Jena
[Posted in FML issue 2417]